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Ny bog januar 2017: Carlo Grevy, Søren Rønhede,  Henrik Kasch og Hanne Søgaard: Skole, livsverden og nye læringslandskaber. Forlaget Pendulum.




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Se også Nyt fra EU-konsulenten (ansvarshavende redaktør: Thomas Elmbæk Knudsen).

Baggrundslitteratur - relevant litteratur om tekstproduktion (procesorienteret skrivning mv.).



Text Awareness

Content and Purpose Focused Writing

in a Knowledge Society


This is a project originally initiated by Centre for Higher Education, Denmark. The project has been developed further together with our German partner from Essen University, and the following represent their joint ideas for a project. However, there is room for changes that possible partners may want to suggest.

The project aims for funding from the Comenius 2.1 programme with deadline 1. March 2005.



It is our basic assumption that the way we teach children and students in Europe to write is old-fashioned. There are room for improvements, where we in Europe can learn from each other’s practice as well as incorporate the best elements from other countries, like the US.

As the Pisa report stated reading and writing skills for children and students in Europe are not good. The project sets out to address these problems on a European scale in a new way by transferring concepts of language awareness into text awareness.



The objective of the project is to establish a new basis for thinking and practising writing based on the best from European studies in writing and to combine it with other practices from e.g. American practice. The exchange of experiences within the European field is the foundation for the development of a European concept to establish a basis for text awareness as an innovative tool to improve writing skills and competences.

The European concept must materialise into new didactic materials for the use of teachers to improve their teaching and practice of writing of pupils at primary level. The target group is hence teachers and students in teachers colleges, on whom these materials should also be tested as part of the project.



The project will limit its focus to the mother tongue teaching; that is how to improve the teaching method in text awareness (text production) for teachers in mother tongue classes. This of course means that there will be some differences in the concept from country to country due to cultural and structural differences. However, the goal is to learn from each other and incorporate the best from each country involved in the project into an overall concept.

The project evolves through the following phases:

a)      Review and status of praxis’s in each country based on interviews, school visits and visit at writing schools

b)      Partner meetings for development of concept

c)      Writing a draft of teaching material

d)      Testing of teaching material

e)      Validation, adaptation and evaluation


Partners searched

We need to have 4-5 institutions involved from 3-4 countries. The partners we are looking for should preferably be from teachers college institutions/universities with experiences related to text production (text awareness). They should have good contacts with primary/secondary schools, so the didactic material can be tested there.


Way ahead

If you are interested please contact the project leader Carlo Grevy, Centre for Higher Education. When we have found 2-3 partners we will have a project meeting (in August/September) to prepare the project and the framework of the application. During October, November and December the application will be written with contribution from your side, so we have an almost final version at the end of the year. This give us time to present the project application to national contact points etc. for comments, so we can adapt that into a final version to the Commission.


Best regards from


Carlo Grevy, Ph.D., Associate Professor (project leader)

Centre for Higher Education, Research and Educational Development

Lembckesvej 3-7

6100 Haderslev


Websites:       Centre for Higher Education:

                      Carlo Grevy’s home page:





For more information on text awareness

Carlo Grevy: The text, the language and ”the I”: - abstract and notes to talk about the text production.

Link to relevant literature:




28-09-2017 / Carlo Grevy

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